11 Dogs Who Are Too Desperate To Say ‘Hi’. Well, Hello There, Buddies!
It takes great courage to be the first person to smash the iceberg and say “hi”. Don’t we all feel shy approaching people for the first time? What makes it quite frightening is that you’ll never know how they’ll respond. Like, are they even nice??? What if they’ll just smirk at you, and turn their backs on you the meanest way imaginable, and leave you there cold and totally embarrassed? Ugh, the possibilities! But, these adorable dogs… how do I even! They’re not afraid to say “hi” that they would even travel great lengths just to approach you so they could be friends with you. They would stick their heads out of very small holes, and it’s just cuteness for centuries! These super warm canines will give us the confidence to start friendships. After going through this post, we’ll no longer be annoyingly withdrawn (I assure you that). We’ll transform into folks who got enough guts to talk to strangers who we think are a positive influence to our lives! Keep clicking to see dogs who are just a little too desperate to say ‘hi’. Enjoy!