This Narcoleptic Pooch Makes The Best Bedtime Photos. LIKE, SO CUTE I CAN’T!!!
Usually, we get disgusted over a person who is super sleepy and lazy he couldn’t get things done. He or she would rather slack off than be productive. We don’t want severely laid-back and passionless friends, don’t we? Now, this is where the world becomes unfair. When it’s we, humans, who are being quite improper, we usually get gazillions of raised eyebrows. But, when it’s cuddly, cushy pets who are being naughty, they are suddenly winning the hearts of many. But, really, no hard feelings. Anyway, there’s this one sleepy bulldog who’s getting more and more famous by the day. His name is Milo, and he loves to doze off. For him, it’s bedtime all day! And, because his owner can do completely nothing about his being always drowsy, he just takes photos of the pooch and posts it on Instagram just so he could make something out of his pet’s bad habit. Their page currently has over 500 thousand subscribers. Yes, Milo is already a celebrity. Say whaaat?! If you’d like to see some of Milo’s heartbreakingly cute bedtime pics, don’t stop clicking!