15 Easy Tricks That You Can Teach Your Dog In Less Than An Hour
Meeting a dog who can perform a variety of tricks is always amusing. But can you really teach your dog how to kiss, shake, and do puppy push-ups? If you think this is impossible without going to expensive dog training classes, then you are wrong. If you can teach your dog to perform cool tricks, then it is definitely great. But what’s even more important is that it forges a bond between pet and the owner. So without any further ado, here are 15 simple tricks for you and your pup to learn together! 1. Shake The Paw Teaching your dog how to shake his paw is not a great deal. But at the same time, it is not as easy as blowing your nose. For this you need to break the target down into small steps. Take some treats and bring them up to the dog’s nose. The more aromatic it the better. Make him try using his paw and not his mouth to grab at them. That’s when you want to reward him with a compliment or a treat. Once when he starts to understand what you want, you can add a verbal cue.