I have been contemplating about this for the longest time: Do we, adults, have to apologize to babies for making them our constant source of entertainment? We get incredibly amused at their innocently quirky antics, and, dang, we even love seeing their faces crumple as they eat them sour lemons. Are we the baddest guys on earth now? But, I guess they don’t really mind. I haven’t heard any complaints just yet. If that’s the case… well, back to our usual habit of laughing at unknowing babies ha!
Meet Rocco. He is a cute baby. So adorable you would want to take him home. However, wait till you hear him laugh!
Also, meet Chopper. He, on the other hand, is a hairy pooch. He loves to dance! And, it’s his dancing that gets Rocco rolling on the floor laughing (like, literally).
Watch the super cute video on the next page!