It’s hard to be in a situation wherein the public’s perception of you is way too far off from who you truly are.

This prairie dog believes she’s not some rodent. She really thinks she is an actual pooch because, duh, her name says so. So, she plans on stealing some dog food now to show to everyone how much of a dog she is.

“I’m made for this dog food. Why deprive myself of this stuff?”

This is her response when her human asks her why she stole a piece of that dog food. She be like: “Isn’t it obvious? I’m a prairie DOG, that’s why.”

“Ugh. This world is full of doubters I feel so stressed out.” I feel you, girl.

Then, she steals some more. What you think is what’s most important, buddy. If you think you’re a dog, then so be it!
Video by YouTube/Rumble Viral