There are animals who flourish in the wild. They are those who lose their vigor and their will to live if you take them out of their natural habitats. Such was the case of “World’s Saddest Polar Bear”, Arturo.
For 22 excruciating years, he was kept inside a concrete pit at Argentina’s Mendoza Zoological Park. It was the last place he wanted to be in. His unhappiness constantly showed.
Sadly, Arturo already died last July 3rd at the age of 30.
His body was meant for snow and wide outdoors (polar bears love roaming around) that his captivity got him so stressed out it drove him crazy.
He was in deep agony.
In the past years, there have been hundreds and thousands of concerned individuals who’ve signed petitions to save Arturo, but the zoo never heeded their call.
Video by Youtube
“I think it’s a tragic situation, and I hope that we can put an end to keeping these animals in environments that aren’t good for them,” stated Born Free USA’s Barry MacKay, who was involved in a movement to relocate the polar bear to a much safer zoo in Canada.
So long, Arturo.