Every year around the time of the holidays, we bring out the Christmas tree in order to decorate it with all the trinkets and stars. Our pets love the Christmas holidays just as much as we do since there are a lot more decorative treats available during that time. However, they also consider the tree as a toy because of the Christmas baubles dangling from it. In order to save the integrity of the decorations, we have to take some measures to protect our Christmas trees and here are some hilarious ways in which people protected their trees from their pets.
Small Tree On The Fridge

This person tried to protect the tree by going out for a tiny tree and then placing it on top of the refrigerator. Perhaps, he thought that the cat would not take notice of the tree or that it would not be able to climb up that far. However, we are sure that the cat can just jump up on the cabinets and play with the tree.