Pictures have a way of going bad no matter how hard some of us try. Today’s internet is all about capturing and sharing pictures without a thought to the extreme where even the most outrageous picture no longer draws attention. Some pictures are from bad to creepy and here’s a few of the scariest pictures ever taken.
1. A picture of a soldier who died the day before the picture was taken.
2. A family posing with their dead child relative.
3. Grandma’s dead husband staying with her after his death.
4. An image of a child found in a picture of his grave.
5. A helicopter’s pilot still flying in his afterlife.
6. A ghost still enjoying his favorite chair.
7. A Russian soldier’s skin found by Finnish troops.
8. This ridiculously scary island of hanging dolls. No, thanks! N.O.P.E.
9. A possessed woman caught on film.
10. A picture of a family in their new home taken just as a body fell through the ceiling.
11. An inmate being kept still at an asylum.
12. The Tana Toraja in North Silawesai performing their annual ceremony exhuming their dead.
13. A man posing with his collection of dead bodies.
14. Creepy McCreepster behind these kids is what horror films are based on.
15. A group of dolls involved in a ritual in a bar basement.
16. A cult in Western Italy performing ceremonies.
17. A picture capturing what has to be a serial killer sneaking up on someone in Fort Worden, Washington.
18. A preacher long after his death.
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